30 July 2012

Transition - one life to another

"Well cannot believe it I submitted my final piece of home work for my ARTbundance Certification Training - wahoo. Did my presentation and 2 coaching sessions. Needs evaluating first. Cannot believe 20 weeks of learning a wonderful coaching approach that for me has been the missing link. I feel so blessed."

Wow, I cannot believe this.  I wrote this before the 26th June 2012, which was my last day as an Occupational Therapist with the District Health Board.  So much has happened since.   It is my 50th year and my husband's 60th year.  We have been celebrating a friend's 40th and 70th.  Honestly, we have been celebrating so much this year.  I could write so many blogs just about that. 

On the 27th at 2 am we left for the Airport.  Spent 4 amazing days in Sydney, love Darling Harbour and The Rocks and then boarded a 10 day cruise, which was so cheap - 70% off and spent most of the time at sea with 4 days on South Caledonian or Fijian Islands.  We only got of for 2 days.  Lazy I know and this was our whole purpose to experience what 10 days of 'chilling' would actually feel like.   Honestly I cannot believe how quick a day goes when you are doing nothing. 

It was incredible, I did so much journalling, reading and doing various exercises from the books I read.  There was so much transition that occurred on that trip never mind in my life.  I finally wrote all the things that I was embarrassed about, ashamed about and have never told a soul.  Nothing major in the scheme of things but enough to use as a 'beaty up stick' when needed.  I wrote about the things that traumatised me, angered me, frustrated me, saddened me (have to say I have been working on personal development for about oh lets see now 22 years - haha).

I torn up the paper I wrote them on into small pieces like confetti (bio degradable), which I then set free at the back of the ship.  Honestly it was amazing just how gracefully and beautifully it seemed to play in the wind, in the spray and on top of the waves.  What a great feeling.  So transition there. 

The ripple effects have been interesting and not as I expected.  I feel so much 'lighter' and funny that a person I met up with the other day actually used those words, when talking about my energy.  It is amazing just how hard it is to take time out but truly the space in priceless for what occurs.  And we can so create time, which I will blog about soon.

So transition in life.  At the age of 50 I feel as if I am starting out and I am.  I am now certified as an ARTbundance Coach and cannot imagine coaching any other way.  I use Results Coaching Systems and Kaizen Muse Creativity Coaching and honestly with Occupational Therapy what a package.  I am amazed how it all just works together.  Ok, Liz having said that I have been working towards this since 2005 and perhaps did not give it the attention it deserved.  Great excuses - sabotage, procrastination, too busy, not being good enough, fear of failure, fear of success and finally I am here - wahoo.

Up until May this year working for the YWCA was not even in my vocabulary and now I facilitate 3 groups for girls between the ages of 11 - 13 at 2 different schools.  Me Liz, who does not have children, who has never worked with children and  now this is my second week of a 10 week programme, which is about empowerment, self esteem, confidence, positive body image, communication skills.  I am creating stuff, activities to do with the girls.  Have to say the lady before me had done this programme and taught me and it is an established programme with the Y that I am tweaking. 

On Friday I had the first lesson of the Post Grad in Counselling, predominantly in narrative therapy.  Me Liz, doing this at 50.  For those that know me this is the 3rd time I have allowed myself to be here and actually do this and the approach I so love because it is similar to coaching in terms of belief in the client, that they have the resources etc.  It is an 18 month course and I cannot believe I am actually doing it.  Have to do 200 hours counselling next year and looking at placements  now.  My dream and the reason I am doing this is because I want to work with people who have experienced disordered eating. 

I figure that with all this experience and counselling to keep clients safe I can offer one to one stuff and group stuff in a creative way.  Telling the story, metaphors, etc.  As I write my fingers move too fast with excitement.  I have also implemented a plan for where I am taking more time out.  It seems as if this looks challenging and it is but I cannot believe that I truly have made time.  I am less on face book although value this tremendously and time myself more. 

I have time out for so many different things and am just having a ball.  When the home work starts, which it already has and I get busier, perhaps it may be a different thing.  I am also going to be training as a Master Coach with KMCC next week so wow.  Phew,  need to stop now.  My bed times now are 8.30 pm to read, 9.30 pm sleep.  Not quite managing it but not far off. 

At 50 and I guess it has been a gradual transition to an amazing life in my book.  This I could never have envisaged, not ever, ever which as a coach is challenging when we set goals with clients.  It so reinforces how important it is to check out what it is that you want to feel, what will make you feel the way you want to feel and where does it happen already.  Also, trying things on for size and just giving things a go.  Sometimes I have done that with clothes, If I choose one item I think ok well what would I not wear and take that in with me too.  Great fun.  Have bought a couple of things that I would not have but don't do that much shopping - haha.  

I love my life so much and it feels as if this is just the beginning.  I love my age, my stage when I am so much more settled in my own skin and content with who I am.  It has taken some time to get here and is a working progress but I think this age group has so much to offer.  A freedom somehow, an excuse to be a little bit out there.   Who knows and I would advise though is not to wait until 50 and give things ago way before now.  It truly is worth it.  I so promise you that.  It is magic when you listen to you and allow you to be you as a whole, embracing the darker parts as well as the lighter parts. 

Definitely time to go.  Listen to your passion.  What makes you smile, laugh?  What makes time pass by so quickly that you do not even notice?  When, where with whom are you most content, at your  best in terms of being be you, feeling easy in the company you are in.  Definitely time to go - haha. 
Love this from Kate Robertson's Face book
from Gun Gazing's Photos


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