19 March 2014

Today's theme from DEEP is Emerge

DEEP – Phinspire's motto - means "Discover Empower Emerge Play". Here is March’s weekly coaching/blog series which continues from DEEP Truth of the Month for March: Paying attention reveals opportunities.

Aha-phrodite (from Jill Badonsky’s Nine Modern Day Muse and a Body Guard) loves quotes and shares many to inspire us to pay attention to the consequences of paying attention. 

“What is this thing called inspiration?  It is anything or anyone that gives you that rising passion in your heart to create something, to feel something, to sing something.  It is what makes you breathe deeply and love life if only for a moment.” – Tony Branch, columist for “Artist’s Inspiration,” Suite 101

How inspired are you to emerge as the person you are meant to be? 

Through the blog coaching this month, you have;
* noticed what works
* have gained further insights and knowledge to empower your choices

Now you get to feel what happens when you emerge from your new choice. 

An ARTsignment™ to Try: Word Collage

Write "What Works for ME" in the middle of a page. Then, all around it, simply write or doodle a bunch of words or images that come to mind.

Think about different aspects of your life…what works for you?  Play with writing these words, phrases, and symbols in different colors and different sizes.

You will be left with an assortment of words that express your feelings about what has been successful for you. These words represent the fuel and the inspiration for what is emerging with you. 

Pick one word that is especially lively, or even two words that you combine into a single word.

How would it be to allow yourself to emerge in the essence of this new word?

Live, be it even if it is for 5 minutes.  How can you remind yourself to create this new habit of emerging consciously with the values and qualities that matter to you?

What might that look like? Reply with a comment to share!


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