24 September 2014

DEEP: Body Love's Theme Glorious Audacity part 2

Welcome to part 2 which continues the theme of audacity as featured in September’s 2014 Newsletter: Glorious Audacity and Blog 1 - DEEP:Body Love's Theme Glorious Audacity

Tips from Audacity
Day dream for 30 seconds if I felt good enough what would I do next? 
  • Add some really bright colours to your doodles.
  • Wear that very bright, bold piece of jewellery you bought when you were feeling audacious. 
  • Wear the lovely hat or shoes or clothing you thought was a good purchase.  
  • Where it around the house for a while and keep looking in the mirror and tell yourself you love it, even if that is hard to do.  Have fun with how you say it.
  • Take your hat, shoes, clothing out for a date, adventure, taking on the personae of them! 
  • Doodle, draw an audacious character, personae and name her/him/it. 
  • Text yourself or put a reminder on the computer and ask what if you were audacious what would you do?
  • Create, send yourself a permission slip to be audacious.  
  • Send yourself a love note telling you how loved you are.
  • Send yourself an invitation for an audacious date with you, a friend, a colleague, some you love or someone you don’t. 
  • Gift yourself the really crazy cup and saucer perhaps that you have always wanted!
  • Change the meal you usually have planned to something completing different without telling anyone and have fun watching their reactions! 
  • Say no to cooking, someone else can do it, you are going to have a candle lit bath with candles or going to play for 30 minutes!!!
 What are 3 things that you love doing?

If you were A u d a c i o u s, choose one of your things you love doing and set yourself a small challenge of doing just one small step and enjoy the bliss.  Reminder yourself what it feels like to be connected and having fun.  Would love to hear what you have come up with. 

Jessica's "Daily Affirmation" 50 secs of pure inspiration.  
Beautiful audaciousness blossoming!   



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