28 April 2014

Today’s theme from DEEP is Play

DEEP – Phinspire's motto - means "Discover Empower Emerge Play". Here is March’s weekly coaching/blog series which continues from the DEEP Truth of the Month for March: Seeing Things Differently.

Albert Muse  (and illustration from Jill Badonsky’s Nine Modern Day Muses and a Body Guard) loves playing and experimenting and when he does he really goes for it. 

So with his wonderful playful energy, I invite you to have a go at this ARTsignment™ which encourages you to ‘act as if’. 

What if you were to "act as if" your body knew exactly what it wanted and you could ask it anything and trust her.  

Choose a pair shoes --  flip flops, slippers, soft shoe, any shoe, socks, gum boots, wellingtons, anything that you can decorate, alter, change, play with, have fun with and decorate in any way you wish.

As you create, decorate, and embellish this pair of shoes, you can know that you are creating magical shoes that hold any vision of you that you want them to hold it.

If you are not in a position to wear this magical stepping out footwear, you can imagine what it would feel like to have them on.  If you need them you can ‘act as if you are wearing them’. 

Whether you wear these magical shoes on your feet or in your imagination, you can put them on anytime you want to feel good enough, nurtured and full of self-compassion.

Go on…ask the question ‘what if I acted as if …?  The possibilities are endless. 

Congratulations you have just journeyed with myself, ARTbundance ® (Marney Makridakis, Artellaland) and Albert Muse (from Jill Badonsky’s Nine Modern Day Muses and a Body Guard). 

May I invite you to reflect with curiosity on your April journey and notice what you have experienced?  What have you enjoyed most?  Why?

How may you celebrate this wonderful month of thinking, doing things differently?

For more DEEP Body Love support, I invite you to take a look at my newest programme here. We can work with your body or any other aspect of your life that you would like to switch. You can book a 30-minute complimentary consultation to get started!

I look forward to you joining me next month for the journey with Bea Silly Muse.  She loves to make things more fun, and I know we will have a blast!


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