01 March 2014

Today's Theme from DEEP is Discover

DEEP – Phinspire's motto - means "Discover Empower Emerge Play". Here is March’s weekly coaching/blog series which continues from the DEEP Truth of the Month for March: Paying attention reveals opportunities.

Week One of Four

We are continuing with the wonderful wisdom and energy from Aha-phrodite Muse from Jill Badonsky’s Nine Modern Day Muses and a Body Guard.  

Here is an ARTsignment™ to try: If you choose, try completing the writing prompts, without too much thinking, judging or analyzing, just doing and see what happens.

I looked out the window and saw what worked, it was …

I immediately noticed …

What worked then …

What I realised was that what worked was …

Now read it out loud, and one more time.  What are you noticing?  What is ‘sticking out’ for you?  Are there any surprises? 

Just notice what you notice.

Congratulations on your discovery. 

Finally, I invite you to leave a comment to answer this question, how will you celebrate your discovery?



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