14 January 2015

January 2015 DEEP Body Love (Dive * Empower * Emerge * Play)

Here's what I know about the role of connection to your body and why it matters! Continued from January's Newsletter DEEP Body Love

There are several types of hunger! 

  If you, like me have been on and off diets for years it is probably very difficult to tell the difference between physical hunger or any other type of hunger. I feel this applies not only to 'dieters' but also to others who perhaps were prescribed healthy ways of nourishing the body by experts, such as: measures/amounts, combinations of food groups, what time of day to eat, exercise, etc and I really could go on.  Why this matters is because these methods/suggestions have very little to do with body connection.  They are mainly guided by the brain, what has been learned, read and regimented!

This is one of the reasons I have experienced, along with thousands of you, weight loss and putting it back on again or simply not knowing what to eat, being so confused. Is it any wonder! 

It is possible to be free from thinking whether or not you are eating the right thing! Our body is the most most reliable guidance system on the planet,but  it really does take time and patience to 'befriend' our bodies and to gain mutual trust.

Often, you think you're hungry but you know you just finished eating.  So are you thirsty or is it a different type of hunger? As mentioned there are many types of hunger, however I will be focusing on: 

  •   Physical hunger - when your body needs fuel.
  •   Emotional hunger - when the emotional brain kicks in.
  •   Spiritual hunger - when you are not living your passion, your values, enjoying life.
  •   Habitual-sensory hunger - we all know about habits, boredom, procrastination and external stimulus - smells, sounds, sights, tastes that motivate us to use food when it is unnecessary.

If we are not aware of what type of hunger is alerting us to nourish ourselves, then how can we truly satisfy the appropriate hunger AND if we do not know how to nourish each aspect of that hunger, how can we satisfy ourselves!

We have learned habits over a life time that have often been passed down from one generation to another.  We have a number of stories and beliefs that impact on how we attempt to nourish and satisfy ourselves, hence the complication but it is so possible to learn to reconnect to our bodies and to use her as our guide. 

Join the DEEP Body Love Facebook Group

I have just started a new facebook page called DEEP Body Love and will be launching a new program. Here is what it is all about:

If you have been trying to achieve an 'ideal' body shape, size or weight to make yourself happy and are still dissatisfied, then this is definitely for you. You can experience a more gentle, compassionate relationship with your body and food, to unlock a greater sense of life and vitality!

DEEP (Dive Empower Emerge Play) Body Love is about accepting and loving your body no matter what.

  • Dive to deep truths relating to how our body speaks to you and how it wants to be cared for and nourished.
  • Empower ourselves by knowing what beliefs, patterns and habits drive us, learning how to befriend our body to hear the messages of what we truly desire and deserve.
  • Emerge as the person we are meant to be, knowing the differences between emotional, physical and spiritual hunger to satisfy, nourish them appropriately.
  • And Play, by bringing more fun into our lives through playing, creating, practicing, being! Taking tangible small steps to a loving relationship with your body no matter what!.

I am so looking forward to this amazing journey.  As you know with any journey there are ups and downs, twists and turns, however we will have rests and pauses but will never give up. We will take small steps that can be fun and will keep momentum. Just like a pod of dolphins.  You are never alone!

Join the DEEP Body Love Facebook Group

Please consider joining this facebook page and see what happens.  You can always leave it if it’s not for you!

DEEP Body Love Face Book Page

DEEP Body Love to you

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