14 November 2014

Manifesting through Play!

This continues with the theme from December's Newsletter: 12 Reminders For Getting Things Done! 

Having FUN always gets me to show up with an excitement that I look forward to.  I have a smile from the inside out and don't take what I am doing so seriously. Usually magic happens. 

I know that PLAY allows my curiosity to thrive and be.  It inspires me to experiment, take risks, makes mistakes in a playful way.  No need to be attached to the outcome because it is a game and wow, what gets revealed is usually pretty unexpected.  

Besides that it feels like fun, joy and you feel just great.  The time passes by so quickly! 
I know that when we have fun, we are truly connected to our child like selves, gifting ourselves freedom to just be so present in the moment, with no judgments, just being, not questioning.  

Play allows us to be so connected to our bodies and so engaged in whatever we are doing. Laughter is so healing and actually fun.  We feel rejuvenated, re-engerized.  We know no limits and expand ourselves without even trying. We are free to hop, skip and jump, like Marney's book.  Bliss!  Click here to play!

I also think it's important to mention that getting things done means that we will not always feels good about it.  It can mean that sometimes we will be saying no to things and people and in the saying no we are saying absolute yes too!

Getting things done does need to be consistent, an action, a doing, a no-nonsense stepping in and saying, "ok, I'm doing this."   Showing up in the doing – while remembering to play - leads to a sense of wellbeing and joy and creating a fully meaningful life. 
Make it fun by having a singalong!



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