20 November 2014

DEEP: Body Love's Theme Shadow Muse Part 2

Welcome to blog 2 which continues the theme of Shadow Muse featured in Phinspiration Newsletter:November 2014 Shadow Muse and DEEP: Body Love's Theme Shadow Muse

Here is a little story about Shadow:

I looked out my window and saw shadow.  It was dark and scary and I was afraid.  

I immediately noticed that I was afraid because I could not see what was in there and was frightened that I would be hurt.  I also realized that I assumed I had to go right into the shadow without a light and I did not.  

Shadow then opened its doors wide and invited me to bring a lantern in and just to take a few steps.  Shadow suggested that I do not come all the way in yet as I might become lost.  

I finally realized that I was quite surprised at how considerate shadow was and felt relieved and more inclined to visit.  
I knew my next step was to revisit shadow with a little step at a time and I found myself actually looking forward to it. 

Now, you try it:

I looked out my window and saw shadow. It was _________
I immediate noticed___________
Shadow then ____________________
I finally realized ______________
I knew my next step was _____________

What does your story show you?



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