14 April 2014

Today’s theme from DEEP is Empower

DEEP – Phinspire's motto - means "Discover Empower Emerge Play". Here is March’s weekly coaching/blog series which continues from the DEEP Truth of the Month for March: Seeing Things Differently.

Knowledge is power! 

It is knowledge that allows us to do things differently.

We live with habitual thinking and actions and we often do not evaluate or question whether they are really working for us. We assume that we are wrong and/or failing in some way if they are not, instead of pausing, questioning and responding differently.  

Do we ask where the messages come from? 

Who gave them us; the media, parents, family, schools, TV, books. 

Do we realize that our families have had messages passed on from their history and they believe these as truths and pass them on?

To empower ourselves, let’s recruit Albert Muse again.  Albert Muse (from Jill Badonsky’s Nine Modern Day Muses and a Body Guard) would love us to break the rules and ask questions.  He would want us to not assume that the first answer is the right answer. 

Which of these beliefs or messages do you hold:
*     I must be liked or accepted by important people in my life.
*     I must be successful, achieving in everything if I am considered worthwhile.
*     It is easier to avoid facing life’s difficulties and responsibilities.
*     The past can affect one’s life and cannot be altered.
*     It is easier to just say yes and keep the peace.

Choose one of these that really seems to resonate. 

Now complete the following sentences, without too much thinking if possible:
*     I should …
*     Because …
*     I got this belief/message from …
*     They got it from …

*     I should …
*     Because …
*     I got this belief/message from …
*     They got it from …

With the help of Albert Muse, let’s take the above and continue for each one:

*     Albert would suggest that I …
*     Because …
*     I will do this because …
*     I will acknowledge myself for trying something different by …

When you think of "trying something different", make the step small,  because you are more likely to achieve that and start to create a new pathway in your brain, a new habit. 

I congratulate you on being on the way to empowering yourself to emerge as the person you really deserve to be.  Enjoy!

Here's something else new to try: how about booking a free30 minute consultation with me? I love forward to supporting you!



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