11 April 2014

Today’s theme from DEEP is Discover

DEEP – Phinspire's motto - means "Discover Empower Emerge Play". Here is March’s weekly coaching/blog series which continues from the DEEP Truth of the Month for March: Seeing Things Differently.

As this month is about doing things differently, I invite you to forget about considering that your body is a problem or that your body is the answer to a problem.

We are just experimenting as Albert Muse (from Jill Badonsky’s Nine Modern Day Muses and a Body Guard) would encourage us to do. As you know,  he is modeled on Albert Einstein.  What would have happened if there had not been so many experiments?  Just think about that for a moment. Seriously, well not that seriously, think about how important the mistakes are to ‘breakthroughs’, inventions, and doing things differently! 

Here is an ARTsignment™  to consider.

Draw around one of your hands. 

For each finger and thumb, complete the following sentence.  Please do not make any reference to your body:
*     What I really want for myself is …
*     What I really want for myself is …
*     What I really want for myself is …
*     What I really want for myself is …

For the middle of your hand, choose a wise, nurturing colour and use it to write suggest one small step that you could take in reaching out from one of your fingers or thumb to create what you really want.  

You probably know that you have an inner critic, especially related to your body. Well, what if, when your critic starts to give you a message about your body, what if you asked Albert to see what he would suggest? 

Simply ask: How could I do something different? 

Break the rules, be absurd. 
Try something that would never have occurred to you before. 
Ask Albert!

For more DEEP Body Love support, I invite you to take a look at my newest programme here. I would love to work and play with you to see things differently!



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