25 February 2015

February 2015 - Choice 2

Viktor E. Frankl

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” 

Following on from February' Newsletter DEEP Truth of the Month 'Choice' and February's Blog 2015 - Playing with Choice this blog invites you to consider choice on a deeper level!

When I think of the power of making choices, I recall the story of Viktor Frankl – holocaust survivor and author of "Man's Search for Meaning" and how when held captive in a Nazi prison camp, he exercised his choice of not giving up, of creating his inner world to survive.   

Viktor knew he had no control over what was happening to him and what was going to happen to him.  He made a choice as to how he responded. In his mind and with his heart, he connected to the life he loved and the love of his life.  He used his inner creativity, intuition, spirit to keep the flame of humanity and hope alive.

He was generous with what little he had and shared it.  He gave and inspired others with love, compassion and hope. He did not ingest the hate, anger, hopelessness of what was happening. These are all choices!

My take aways from his story:
  • Even in incredible situations there will always be a choice of how we respond and how we experience ourselves.
  • We are all  so capable of incredible lives when we make the choice to live it, no matter what.
  • Creativity, intuition and spirit are truly empowering, and only when we tap into this inner knowing, inner space, inner humanity will we access so many possibilities.

What do you remember about the story, and how does it inspire your own power of choice in your life?

Be empowered!


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