22 July 2014

DEEP: Body Love's Theme Spills Muse 2

Spills Muse – from Jill Badonsky's Nine Modern-Day Muses (and a Bodyguard) is a fun childlike imp who loves to play and was featured in this month's newsletter:  TEST 5 Ways to Turn Mistakes into Miracles - Phinspiration July 2014

Let's fall in love with spills by exploring them through the language of the senses…..
A spill can sound like the wonderful ocean, showing up on a beach full of shells.  Breathing, moving in and out.
A spill can sound like a child's laughter, giggle.
A spill can sound like a belly laugh right from the core.
A spill can sound like a breath of fresh air, a sigh, an "oh, now that is interesting!"
A spill can sound like an invitation to make more spills and allowing the self to follow the spill.
A spill can sound like an invitation to even more curious questions, play.

Spills lead to adventures and discoveries!  When you think of a spill – a "mistake" that is actually a good, helpful thing – what comes alive in your senses? What might a spill sound, taste, smell, and feel like?
Leave a comment with the first thing that comes to mind!

I love this song full of fun and potential. Enjoy.


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