24 May 2014

This month’s  theme from DEEP Body Love Coaching is Play
DEEP – Phinspire's motto - means "Discover Empower Emerge Play". Here is May’s weekly coaching/blog series which continues from the DEEP Truth of the Month for May: Play is the elixir of life for our bodies, therefore ourselves!

“You are led through your life time by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.” Richard Bach – Illusions

Imagine for a moment if you believed this, that play connects you to you, the real you.  Would you then give yourself permission to play?  This will nurture and develop a healthy relationship with  yourself, resulting in experience less ‘hunger’ for emotion and spiritual needs. 

How can you have fun as you connect with your body?
Here are some ideas to get you started:
* painting your nails
* wearing perfume
* wearing makeup if you usually don't, or not wearing it if you usually do
* putting a ribbon/slide in your hair
* new jewellery
* using hand cream
* wearing a scarf
* having a massage
* playing on a bouncy castle
* jumping on a trampoline
* face painting
* singing
* dancing
If you are unsure ask your inner child she will have lots of ideas.
Try these prompts to get you started:
1. To have fun with my body I am going to … and will I do it by … 
2. I am looking forward to this because ... 
3. My body wants to tell me …
4. I want to tell it …

For more DEEP Body Love support, I invite you to take a look at my newest programme here. We can work with the relationship with your body, food, yourself, which leads to much healthier relationships with others too.  You can book a 30-minute complimentary consultation to get started!

I look forward to you joining me next month for the journey with compassion. What a difference this will make to your life!

Have fun!



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